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Everything posted by PGen98

  1. Doing well here, how about yourself?
  2. Hey @Shortie, excellent to see you here! :)
  3. Be back up to the 3, 4, 500 mark in no time!
  4. Was a fan in the 90s and 2000s, sort of casual observer nowadays? It's fine for what it is.
  5. Fantastic, well done!!
  6. True, true, keep it civil :D
  7. lol, nice!! Time away!
  8. That sounds more like it, lol :D
  9. Ah, was it a good one, or a little...stiff? lol
  10. I hear you there!
  11. Sounds good :)
  12. Doing well, how are you?
  13. Same here :)
  14. Doing well!
  15. PGen98


    Good to have you here, Ash :)
  16. How's everyone's day going?
  17. I'm fine with most of the rules, I don't think we should outright eliminate the discussion of suicide, just nothing stupid like promoting it. I have dysthymia which comes with strong suicidal ideation, I have outlets where I talk about it, and sometimes I mention it in passing as a means to relate to others to let them know it's ok to feel bad or to struggle, so banning it outright seems like an overreach. Also we should include a generalized rule about no hate speech. We don't want people to spout hate speech about race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc.
  18. It's a hard ask, but a little tinkering and it can happen! Just needs a bit of variety :)
  19. PGen98


    Glad to be here :)
  20. Doing alright, here, how about yourself?
  21. PGen98


    Hey all, I'm Crystal, I'm 37, originally from Bolton, England currently living in Phoenix, Arizona. I'm a forum nerd, I've been using forums since I was just a little kid back in 1995 and I happened to stumble across one while using the family computer and trying to find things to do online. I haven't looked back since! Also just a nerd in general, lol, so anything you want to know, just ask!
  22. Discord ;)
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