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Everything posted by PGen98

  1. One step forward of many more to come :)
  2. 999995
  3. 999997
  4. Winter, because once it starts to get warm here, it just goes insane. We don't need the heat!
  5. I like onions, more of an acquired taste over time, but I love them :)
  6. Magic Knight Rayearth, one of my favourites from the 90s, most people seem to have forgotten about it or never knew it existed. Irresponsible Captain Tylor is another fun one, as well.
  7. I'm a collector, I currently have around 42 consoles including variants and handhelds, so pretty much everything you can think of up to today (only have Series X and Switch, no PS5 and no OLED Switch, can't afford)
  8. My IRL friends all turned on me when I came out a few years back, then covid, then just having to live the life of a caregiver...I don't exactly have anyone, so...years ago.
  9. Android. No apple products here, thanks.
  10. Yeah, fingers crossed more join and participate! It'd be nice to see the place rolling along!
  11. Very nice, feeling sick today myself, so no outings here.
  12. Hope everyone's doing well!
  13. PGen98


    Excellent, love the name :)
  14. I'd like to head back home to the UK and see family. I'd also like to see various parts of Europe that I haven't been to yet.
  15. Can't believe we're a quarter of a century into the new millenium
  16. Yeah...I just...wanted to do things for people I care about.
  17. No, I had a pretty terrible Christmas. Couldn't afford to give anything, so I felt like such a failure. Didn't get anything, either, but that's not the point. I don't care about that.
  18. PGen98


    If we're talking world football, then my hometown team Bolton Wanderers and the English National Team. If we're talking NFL, I don't watch, lol, not my kind of sport, though I did try quite a lot when I first moved to the US.
  19. Long day here, hopefully everyone else is doing well :)
  20. Made in Abyss, and it's still going strong!
  21. Great to have you with us, welcome :)
  22. lol, yeah, bit of an expat :D
  23. I live in the states, born in Bolton ;)
  24. ...wait, what am I then?!? :p
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