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Everything posted by PGen98

  1. If only we could live in a world where all disease was a thing of the past. No dementia, no cancers, no diabetes, no nothing. Get rid of them all.
  2. Yeah, something I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy, dementia's a horrible thing.
  3. Hit or miss, she's very much on that final decline, but who knows how long that will take. Dementia is such an unpredictable disease.
  4. Very nice, been a back and forth day for me, running after my mother.
  5. Going alright, how about yourself?
  6. They're ok, I eat them once in a while, mostly just the regular ones.
  7. Yep, air fryers are amazing, perfect for cooking so many things!
  8. Welcome aboard!
  9. 999988
  10. Sounds great, I've been all over the place today, trying to figure a few life things out that...seem impossible in the wake of a certain person in office and my umm...well...let's just say life is hard.
  11. I did about the same thing
  12. Naps sound great about now.
  13. 999990
  14. 999991
  15. Struggling today, been having a lot of issues these past few days, but...trying to push on. Yourself?
  16. Very nice, enjoy it :)
  17. Good, always good to relax :)
  18. Going alright, how about yourself?
  19. I guess a mixture, I like having modern amenities nearby, but I like to be in a quiet environment
  20. I play anything and everything, I've been gaming since I was a kid and still do today. I'm also a game collector, so many of the games I grew up playing I still play today along with newer games.
  21. Rugby, Cricket, Aussie Rules, Gaelic Football, Lacrosse, all kinds of sports :)
  22. PGen98


    I'm a big Dallas Stars fan, have been since 1996, favourite all time player is Mike Modano and current player is Jake Oettinger
  23. Absolutely, in the US I love Baked Lays either the original or the Salt and Vinegar flavour, I also like the Chester's Fries ranch flavour, and Funyuns, as well as Goldfish. From home, the UK, I love Walker's Salt and Vinegar or ready salted, Hula Hoops Salt and Vinegar, Monster Munch pickled onion (or Space Raiders, same thing), or French Fries salt and vinegar or worcestershire flavour.
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