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Everything posted by Rey619

  1. Rey619

    Ask Phun Anything

    Have you lived there your whole life ?
  2. 6
  3. Banned for taking forever to sign up to SWC
  4. Noon
  5. 999,993
  6. Both to an extent.
  7. Spring
  8. Rey619

    Ask Phun Anything

    Where are you from ?
  9. whats going on everyone.
  10. Pokemon was my favorite anime.
  11. Just working on my forum. finishing up a code i been working on with my coder.
  12. Rey619


    noticed that after i posted that lol.
  13. if only it was real.
  14. nothing in the plans.
  15. i am indeed a night owl.
  16. BRB got to use the bathroom.
  17. You are everyone my friend @Daedalus. Welcome to DiscussBB.
  18. Rey619


    Glad to have you here @Hulk
  19. Welcome @Nebulous
  20. it is not the same like it was when i was younger. i miss the old wrestling days
  21. Rey619


    i am giants fan but they suck.
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